
Indianapolis Emergencies: Who to Call



Are you prepared for an emergency? Your approach to the situation will make a massive impact in hindsight. Your ability to make sensible decisions might be hampered when you are in the middle of a sticky situation. The good thing is, you do not have to be pressured to make that decision on your own. A professional’s sound insight is just a call away!


Don’t let the unthinkable get the best of you. Do your best to keep calm and alert the authorities as soon as disaster strikes. From matters such as a power outage, crime, accidents, and larger-scale disasters such as a fire, flood, or hurricane, some departments can respond to ensure your safety.


List down things you might need in case an emergency comes up. The list can include non-perishable food, clothes, flashlight, cash, first-aid kit, essential documents and identification, and of course, a list of emergency contacts. When unfortunate events come around, these numbers could be critical for safety and survival.


There are two lists you need to furnish to keep with you in your go-bag or your wallet everywhere you go. 


  • Personal Emergency Contact List
  • The Area’s Emergency Contact Information


Your personal contacts will come in handy when you are separated from the members of your household. They need to be alerted when something goes wrong while you are in school, in your workplace, at the mall, or traveling far from where your home is. Your emergency contact person could be anyone close to you. It could be your spouse, your parents, your roommate – anyone who could act on your behalf, especially when talking to authorities and filling out forms. 


The other list is just as crucial. Communicating with authorities is a significant step in recovering from an unwanted incident. Dialing 911 is always a step in the right direction but if you want to hit closer to home, here are some Indianapolis contact numbers you should know about:



Emergency Contact List
State Emergency Management Indiana Department of Homeland Security (IDHS) 317-232-3980
Office of Public Health and Safety 317-327-4291
Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department 317-327-3282
Fire 317-327-6041 | ContactIFD@indy.gov
Mayor’s Action Center 317-327-4622
Local Movers Indianapolis 317-707-4276


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The 411 on Emergency Situations in El Paso, Texas


Downtown El Paso

There are different types of emergencies: medical, police, fire, storm surge, flood, and other natural disasters. Each has varying degrees of danger, so they will require different solutions. They have one thing in common, though; they come without warning. Because these situations are unpredictable, you might be caught off guard. And when you are in your most vulnerable state, you might not make the most sound decisions. The best thing to do is to seek help.

Emergency preparedness will cushion any fall when you are faced with unforeseen adversity. Planning is limited when you are right in the middle of a crisis. When things escalate and get complicated, you shouldn’t take matters into your own hands. Seek the aid of dispatchers who have the know-how and the proper resources to respond calmly and quickly, mitigate hazards, and alleviate risks. 

Be wise. Be safe. Call the proper authorities to sound the alarm. 

A simple call will draw the line between danger and safety. Remain calm and try to keep yourself safe while waiting. Public safety measures are implemented by a lot of departments all over El Paso. Keep them in mind when you are caught in a challenging situation.

In case of emergencies, take not of these strategies so you can get back on your feet in no time.

– If possible, ask for nearby help. Having someone extend a hand will make all the difference. In cases where you are indisposed, and unable to make a call, you can ask someone to call on your behalf or if able, apply first-aid.

– Location is important. This information is a crucial detail to get help fast. In circumstances that won’t allow you a clear view of your area, take note of landmarks that could help identify where you are.

– Follow instructions. Your responders will orient you on the next steps to take. Every measure will be for your safety, so make sure to listen. Carefully carry out the steps while all the while staying alert. 

There’s always 911, but there are some essential numbers you also need to keep close in case you find yourself in a tight spot in the middle of El Paso, Texas.


Emergency 911
American Red Cross – El Paso Chapter 915-592-0208
El Paso County Local Emergency Planning Committee       915-838-3260
El Paso City/County Health District 915-771-5702
El Paso County Sheriff’s Office 915-546-2280
El Paso FBI 915-832-5000
El Paso Fire Department 915-485-5600
El Paso Police Department 915-212-4000
Poison Control 800-764-7661
 Local Tow Truck El Paso 915-974-3178
Texas Department of Public Safety 915-849-4000

(From: https://www.elpasotexas.gov/fire-department/emergency-management/emergency-numbers)

Continue reading “The 411 on Emergency Situations in El Paso, Texas”


Your Emergency Plan in Rochester New York

Whether you are a resident or a visitor, an emergency plan is of the essence. Planning for disasters will be of great value when it strikes at the time you least expect. When a stressful situation takes you by surprise, your reaction will determine the impact it can cause you. Even though we cannot avoid unpredictable circumstances such as road accidents, natural calamities, and crime, being one step ahead will help minimize the damage.

Pick out a meeting place. Reach a consensus with the whole family on which spot you can all gather in case calamities physically separate members from each other—examples: church, library, school, precinct.

Gather supplies. There’s no telling whether there will be a shortage of food, electricity, or medicine. Prepare an emergency bag that you can pull out in case of a catastrophe. A go-bag can include essentials like water, non-perishable and easy-to-eat food, flashlight, radio, cash, first-aid kit, toiletries, and chargers.

Be informed. With everything wrong that can sneak up on you, it would be a challenge to be a hundred percent ready for whatever is thrown at you. You might have everything prepared, but an unfortunate incident can still blindside you. It is comforting to have someone to back you up in case things get awry.

There are departments you can get hold of to target specific concerns. Knowing who to call will help you curb imminent dangers. Once you are exposed to a life-threatening situation, the smartest thing to do is call for help. People whose job entails safety and protection should be the first one on your call list.

A big part of Emergency Planning is getting your area’s emergency info. If you plan to spend a while at a city renting a place or to permanently reside, save numbers on your phone and stick them on the fridge for other people in your household.


Rochester NY Contact Information

In case of emergencies, here are the numbers you need to remember:


EMERGENCIES Call or Text: 9-1-1

*Outside the City of Rochester: Call (585) 428-6666

Accident and Crime Reports w/in the City of Rochester; Background Checks; Fingerprints; Pistol Permits for City Residents (585) 428-7493


Tow Truck Rochester 585-332-5743
Arrest Information Call or Text: 3-1-1

*Outside the City of Rochester: Call (585) 428-5990

Drug Hotline Call or Text: 3-1-1

*Outside the City of Rochester: Call (585) 428-6000

Emergency Medical Dispatch https://www.cityofrochester.gov/article.aspx?id=8589935584
Family Crisis Intervention Team (FACIT) (585) 428-7183
Fire Department (585) 428-7485
Major Crimes Unit  (585) 428-7157
Missing Persons Unit (585) 428-6595
CrimeStoppers 423-9300
Tele-Serve (Telephone Reporting) Call or Text: 3-1-1

*Outside the City of Rochester: Call (585) 428-7210

Towed Cars (City Auto Pound) (585) 428-6717
Victim Assistance (585) 428-6630
Warrants Unit (585) 428-6571
Youth Services Unit (585) 428-6638

Everywhere can be your haven as long as you know the steps to take during emergencies. Make it your mission to be ready for anything life throws at you. Rochester New York has thorough emergency programs in case you are in the zone. Rest easy knowing that safety is just a dial away.